by Matt Runkle
2016, 'Framed by Thumbs: Reading Raymond Pettibon':
A critical essay published in Openings: Studies in Book Art
2016, 'Plans':
A short story excerpted from The Hitch and published in The Collagist
2014, 'The Story of How All Animals Are Equal':
A short story published in Grist
2014, 'Socialites':
A short story published in matchbook
2013, 'A Living Document', 'Animals', 'Message from Collections', 'What Kill Means', 'If you ever feel like a ghost':
Five poems published in The Chariton Review
2012, 'Spiel':
A short story published in Wigleaf
2012, 'Dawn in the Afternoon':
A short story published in > kill author
2012, 'Columbus Was Named for the Dove':
A short story published in Monkeybicycle
2012, 'Messiness Is a Beauty of Its Own: An Interview with Sarah McCarry':
Published on SFCB Blog
2012, 'Pluck':
A prose poem published in Beecher’s
2012, 'The Decision'; 'Counted'; 'Tammy and the Amaranth':
Three short stories published in The Collagist
2012, 'Librarians Are Warriors: An Interview with Stephen Boyer':
Published on SFCB Blog
2012, 'The Hare'; 'In the City of Outside Consultants:
Two short stories published along with collages in BOMB
2012, 'The Liberating Bond: An Interview with Katarzyna Bazarnik & Zenon Fajfer':
Published on SFCB Blog
2011, 'Warmth':
A short story published in The Collagist
2011, '12 Years of Babylon: An Interview with Myrtle Von Damitz, III':
Published on SFCB Blog
2011, 'Revaluing the Book':
An interview with Richard Nash published in the Boston Review
2011, 'Windowless Room, Silverless Fish':
A short story published in Interrobang?!
2011, 'Pride Goeth Before':
A short story published in Mixed Fruit